
SuperTuxKart Server wrapper written in Python with CLI interface. Supports autorestarting, extensions and automatic add-on downloading/upgrading.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Lesser General Public License v2.1LGPL-2.1


SuperTuxKart Server Wrapper written in Python with CLI interface. Supports autorestarting, extensions and automatic add-on downloading/upgrading.

Tested on STK 1.4 git version.

Compatibility notice

Please note that older STK versions won't work properly because of this issue in the official STK code that is only resolved in the git version.


These Python packages must be present in the system. Install it with your preferred way (system package manager if you are running Linux/Unix, or pip inside a virtual environment):


Otherwise you can install all the requirements with pip install -r requirements.txt

Brief tutorial


The wrapper utilizes admin-console-python package for the interface. Therefore, to list all the commands you can either use tab completion or enter help command.

Default STK configuration

stkw_advanced extension requires extensions/stkdefault.xml config file to be present. It's a default STK server configuration file (however it is not copied to the server directory when server is created, it is a known issue) Copy the contents from NETWORKING.md or use a different of your preferences.

Automatic Add-On Updater

Firstly, make sure to configure it through extensions/stkswrapper.conf. Here is an example configuration:

online_assets_url = https://online.supertuxkart.net/downloads/xml/online_assets.xml
# Since 1.4 servers support add-on karts.
fetch_karts = True
autoupdate = True
autoupdate_interval = 21600
# These add-ons won't be updated. For example:
autoupdate_banlist = kart_corner, soccer-arena
# If this option is True, it will install new addons that meet the requirements
autoinstall = False
autoinstall_karts = True
# Addons below this rating won't be installed. Specify value between 0.0 and 5.0
autoinstall_minrating = 1.0
# Specify the requirements for the addons to be autoinstalled separated with commas.
# Prefix + means that the flag must be present, and - makes sure that it does not install the add-ons with this flag.
autoinstall_requirements = +APPROVED,+DFSG,-ALPHA
# These add-ons won't be installed automatically. For example:
autoinstall_banlist = kart_corner, soccer-arena
# Directory to temporarily download zip files
downloadpath = downloads
# Absolute path to the addons directory. Replace ~ with your home directory
addonpath = ~/.local/share/supertuxkart/addons

Server creation

Make sure you have a compiled binary of SuperTuxKart and followed all the instructions in INSTALL.md and NETWORKING.md, except the server launching command as it is handled by the wrapper. You must keep stk-code available, as it is required to run a binary. Once everything STK related is ready, start the wrapper:

python stkserver_wrapper.py

Wrapper supports interactive server creation to make it easier. Dispatch this command:


It will guide you through the server creation process. Step 1: it will prompt for the server name that will be used for commands. Let's say it will be tutorial

-=STK=-: stk-make-server
Enter the server name. It will be used for further interaction with the server,
You cannot change it later
but every name should be unique.
name: tutorial

Step 2: working directory for the server process. Useful in some cases. Let's use the default value ./tutorial just by pressing Enter in this case:

Enter the path to server's working directory.
You can change it later
Current working directory: "/home/user/stkwrapper" for relative path reference
Press return to skip and set the default value "/home/user/stkwrapper/tutorial" 

Additionally, if this directory doesn't exist, which is likely, it will ask you to create this directory. Press y to confirm:

This directory doesn't exist. Create one?
create dir "/home/user/stkwrapper/tutorial"? y

Step 3: server configuration file path. It will be passed as --server-config= argument to the server process as noted in NETWORKING.md. Let's specify server.xml:

Directory created for server
Enter the path to configuration file. It must have the XML format (.xml).
You can change it later
Current working directory: "/home/user/stkwrapper/tutorial" for relative path reference
Press return to skip and set the default value "" 
cfgpath: server.xml

If the file doesn't exist, it will notice it and suggest to correct the path. You can skip this step to let the server create the configuraton file by hitting y. If you hit n it will repeat the step above. Let's skip this warning:

This file doesn't exist. Skip?
skip? y

Step 4: path to the directory that contains data/. It is required for every SuperTuxKart instance. If SuperTuxKart is installed in the system, the path could be /usr/share/supertuxkart or /usr/local/share/supertuxkart. If you built STK from the source and did not run sudo make install without deleting the sources, specify the path to the source code directory. Let's say that the supertuxkart repository is cloned to the home directory: ~/stk-code

Enter the path to the "data" directory that will be used for the new server.
You can change it later
Current working directory: "/home/user/tutorial" for relative path reference
Press return to skip and set the default value "stk-code" 
TIP: it is usually either /usr/share/supertuxkart
    or in case of GIT version /path/to/stk-code
datapath: ~/stk-code

Step 5: Specify where the executable file is. It is either at /usr/bin/supertuxkart or /usr/local/bin/supertuxkart depending on your STK installation. In this tutorial, it is assumed that the STK has been built from the sources inside the ~/stk-code/build/ directory. So let's say that the executable is at ~/stk-code/build/bin/supertuxkart:

Enter the path to supertuxkart executable file (program).
You can change it later
Current working directory: "/home/user/tutorial" for relative path reference
Press return to skip and set the default value "supertuxkart" 
exec: ~/stk-code/build/bin/supertuxkart

Next steps will be purely wrapper-related. Step 6: whether or not the server is started when wrapper is started. Let's hit the y key so you don't have to manually start the server with stk-start tutorial:

Should server automatically start after wrapper has been launched? Hit y for yes or n for no.
You can change it later
autostart? y

Step 7: whether or not enable autorestart on server crash. Let's hit the y key to make sure that the server is back online when something happens.

In case the server crashes, does it require automatic restart? Enter yes or no.
You can change it later
autorestart? y

Step 8: forced interval-based autorestart timer. Let's leave the empty prompt and just hit Enter:

Is it needed to restart the server every N minutes? Leave empty string or 0 if autorestarts aren't required.
You can change it later
Note: the server will not restart if there are players at the moment
timed autorestart minutes (or empty): 

Step 9: how much time should the server not exceed when starting up? Let's leave the default value (120 seconds) by hitting Enter:

How many seconds the server has to initialize? When this timeout exceeds during server startup, the process is killed.
Current working directory: "/home/user" for relative path reference
Press return to skip and set the default value "120.0" 
startup timeout (n.n): 

Step 10: same as the above, but when the server is shutting down. The default value can be too high in most cases so let's specify 6.0 seconds:

How many seconds the server has to shutdown?When this timeout exceeds during server shutdown, the process is killed.
Current working directory: "/home/user" for relative path reference
Press return to skip and set the default value "120.0" 
shutdown timeout (n.n): 6.0

Next steps are for advanced administrators Step 11: specify additional environment variables. Useful for ranked servers or for servers that has a separate addon setup. Let's specify -:

Advanced: which additional environment variables to pass to the process?
For example, you can specify XDG_DATA_HOME=/path/to/directory HOME=/some/directory/path
You can change it later
To clear extra argument, specify -
extra environment variables: -

Step 12: additional command line arguments to be passed to the process. Let's specify -:

Advanced: any additional arguments to the command line? Just leave it empty if you have no idea.
You can change it later
To clear extra argument, specify -
extra args: -

Final step: the server is ready to be started:

Server successfully created. Start it right now?
start tutorial? 

Hit y to start the server immediately or n to skip and start it manually later.

Starting, restarting and stopping the server

To start the server, execute stk-start server_name, for example stk-start tutorial if you did the tutorial above. To stop the server, execute stk-stop server_name. This command will make sure that there are no online players. To forcefully stop the server use stk-stop server_name yes Restart command combines both of them: stk-restart server_name

If the wrapper is closed with Ctrl+C or exit command, it will stop all the servers forcefully without checking if there are players online. Be careful with that!

Executing network console commands

You can send one line with stk-cmd server_name line... where line... is a command (spaces are allowed) Alternatively, you can enter the network console mode with stk-nc server_name and send commands directly to the server, when done enter .quit to return to the normal command prompt.


Even this short brief tutorial is quite big, so, here are the features that are undocumented:

  • patterns for ignoring logs.
  • configuration editing commands.
  • stk-enhance command.