
Ubuntu Docker in Docker - a ubuntu 24.04 docker in docker image

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


Docker CI/CD MIT

table of contents


| Docker Hub | GitHub |
The main focus of this project is to provide a ubuntu image with functional docker deamon. You can use this image to run docker containers in a ubuntu container.

This container needs the '--privileged' flag to run! This gives extended privileges to this container.

example commands

pull image

docker push majo418/ubuntudind:latest

self hosted docker deamon

Start the container as self hosting docker instance.

docker run -d --privileged \
    --restart unless-stopped \
    --name ubuntudind \
    --network host \

host shared docker socket

Mount the host docker socket into the container

docker run -it --rm \
    -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
    majo418/ubuntudind:22.04 \
        docker ps

exec command

docker exec -it majo418/ubuntudind \
    docker ps

test with nginx

docker exec -it majo418/ubuntudind \
    docker run -it --rm \
    --name test-nginx \
    -p 8080:80 \

remove container

docker rm -f ubuntudind

run container persistently

docker run -d --privileged \
    --restart unless-stopped \
    --name ubuntudind \
    --network host \
    -v $(pwd)/.store:/var/lib/docker \


Build from newest ubuntu lts versions and latest:

  • ubuntu:latest
  • ubuntu:22.04
  • ubuntu:20.04
  • ubuntu:18.04

control scripts

This control scripts should help you to understand how to use the image and container.

  • build.sh - build docker image
  • enter.sh - run a container with bash as entrypoint for image testing and debugging purposes
  • start.sh - run docker "test" container with network, volume and backup/cache mount to "./.store"
  • remove.sh - remove docker "test" container
  • exec.sh - runs a command in the "test" container and prints the output
  • test.sh - runs a nginx container that bind port 8080 in the "test" container and prints the output


    1. fork the project
    1. implement your idea
    1. create a pull/merge request
// please create seperated forks for different kind of featues/ideas/structure changes/implementations

cya ;3
by majo418