
a simple end to end example of taking a ML graph (TF2 / PyTorch) and running it on a device [cpu, gpu]

Primary LanguageMLIRApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Collection of easy to use MLIR end to end examples.

A collection of MLIR End to End examples. We plan to add working examples of:

  1. TF2 Saved Model --> MHLO --> C/C++
  1. TF2 Saved Model --> MHLO --> LLVM_IR
  • --> RefE2E (?)
  • --> LLVM-IR-e2e in this repo
  1. Torchscript --> ATen --> [C++ / LLVM_IR]
  • Use mlir-npcomp to generate ATen Dialect.
  • Lower to C++ / LLVM_IR (?)

Intalling LLVM/MLIR and TF Dependencies:

git clone https://github.com/NodLabs/mlir-examples.git
mkdir mlir-examples/

Export the pre-built binaries into your path (you can also directly call the binaries)

export PATH=`pwd`/build/install/bin:$PATH

Generating MHLO->LLVM-IR->Target examples

Now cd into one of the examples and give it a try.

./build/install/bin/tf_to_kernel --input=LLVM-IR-E2E/tf_abs/tf_abs.mlir --output=abs_kernel.o

file abs_kernel.o

Generating MHLO->C++->Target examples

mkdir build/emitc
cd build/emitc
cmake -G Ninja -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang-10 -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++-10 .. -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=../../build/install/lib/cmake/mlir -DLLVM_EXTERNAL_LIT=`pwd`/../build-mlir/bin/llvm-lit ../../external/mlir-emitc/
cmake --build . --target check-emitc

Currently you will notice three tests failing

-- Testing: 13 tests, 13 workers --
UNRESOLVED: EMITC :: testCorrectGroundTruthWithHMC_canon_inline.mlir (1 of 13)
UNRESOLVED: EMITC :: testCorrectGroundTruthWithHMC_canon.mlir (2 of 13)
PASS: EMITC :: Target/cpp-calls-for.mlir (3 of 13)
UNRESOLVED: EMITC :: testCorrectGroundTruthWithHMC.mlir (4 of 13)
PASS: EMITC :: Dialect/EmitC/ops.mlir (5 of 13)
PASS: EMITC :: Target/cpp-calls.mlir (6 of 13)
PASS: EMITC :: Target/cpp-calls-if.mlir (7 of 13)
PASS: EMITC :: Conversion/mhlo-to-std.mlir (8 of 13)
PASS: EMITC :: Conversion/std-to-emitc.mlir (9 of 13)
PASS: EMITC :: Conversion/mhlo-to-emitc.mlir (10 of 13)
PASS: EMITC :: Conversion/scf-to-emitc.mlir (11 of 13)
PASS: EMITC :: Dialect/EmitC/ifop.mlir (12 of 13)
PASS: EMITC :: Dialect/EmitC/forop.mlir (13 of 13)
Unresolved Tests (3):
  EMITC :: testCorrectGroundTruthWithHMC.mlir
  EMITC :: testCorrectGroundTruthWithHMC_canon.mlir
  EMITC :: testCorrectGroundTruthWithHMC_canon_inline.mlir

Testing Time: 0.12s
  Passed    : 10
  Unresolved:  3
FAILED: test/CMakeFiles/check-emitc
cd /home/anush/github/mlir-examples/build/emitc/test && /home/anush/github/mlir-examples/build/emitc/../build-mlir/bin/llvm-lit /home/anush/github/mlir-examples/build/emitc/test
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.

Other references
