

JaPark – Features

  • Splash Screen : Lifecycle aware splash screen
  • Home Screen : Lists of cities and foods, options in menu to change theme and clear persisted data (of cities and foods from RoomDB)
  • City Details Screen : A scrollable screen with collapsing toolbar to show city details and options in menu to change theme
  • Food Detail Popup : A popup screen for food image and name

JaPark – Project Structure

  • constants :- contains constant values in kotlin objects
  • data :- persisted data storage by using RoomDB and SharedPreferences
  • di :- contains dagger modules according to their respective scopes
  • models :- contains model/POJO classes and other base and sealed classes
  • network :- network/api calls client and constants
  • uiModules :- contains UI modules by functionality with ViewModel and Repositories
  • utils : contains the util classes, extension functions, delegates, and DataBinding adapters

JaPark – Screenshots

App image App image App image