
Build your first Express application: a rock-paper-scissors game.


Build a rock-paper-scissors game composed of two pages. On the first page, the user should be able to select an option (whether rock, paper or scissors). When the user choose an option, he should be redirected to another page. On that page he should see the option he picked, the option the computer picked and if he won, lost or if it's a draw.

Regarding the computer's choice, the idea is to pick a random option from the available ones: rock, paper or scissors. You will need to use the random-item module to pick a random item from an array.

Step by step

  1. Get a copy of this repository
  2. Clone it on your computer
  3. Create a new branch for your work
  4. Initialize a new Node.js project
  5. Install the dependencies you will need
  6. Write the code
  7. Commit and push your changes
  8. Visit your GitHub repository to create a pull request