
An IRC bot (and REST API) for #node.dc.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptISC LicenseISC


A IRC bot (and REST API) for #node.dc on freenode.net.

Accessing the REST API

This app is hosted at node-dc-irc.herokuapp.com.

  • GET /messages. Returns the last 100 messages sent to the IRC channel. If the result set is incomplete (there are more than 100 messages), a Link header is sent with the URL to the next page.
Link: <http://node-dc-irc.herokuapp.com/messages?offset=1410826789911>; rel="next"

Setting up for Local Development

This app uses MongoDB as a database. You’ll either need it running locally on your machine, or have access to an instance elsewhere. No further configuration is needed if it is running locally, but if you choose to access an instance elsewhere, you’ll need the MongoDB connection URI (looks something like mongodb://…) accessable at the MONGODB_URI environmental variable. See Setting up Local Dependencies on the wiki for further assistance.

Clone the app and install NPM dependencies:

$ git clone https://github.com/NodeDC/node-dc-irc
$ cd node-dc-irc
$ npm install

Then, start the application:

$ npm start

Your chat listener will join the channel #node.dc-test on freenode.net under the name “node-dc-test”, and you’ll be able to access the REST API at localhost:3000.