
Primary LanguageShell

Grafana Monitor for the Cosmos Ecosystem


Install exporter on your node server if Node is installed.

wget -O NodeistorExporter.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Nodeist/Nodeistor/main/NodeistorExporter && chmod +x NodeistorExporter.sh && ./NodeistorExporter.sh

During the installation, you will be asked for some information, including:

bond_denom Denom Value. For example, uosmo for osmosis
bench_prefix Bench Prefix Value. For example, osmo for osmosis. You can obtain this value from your wallet address. osmo1r5g0kes6jutsydez9qw2tx6vuc8scpxn5qtyle
adresport Address Port. Default is 9090. Check in app.toml
ladrport Laddr Port. Default is 26657. Check in config.toml.

Make sure the following ports are open on your server:

  • 9100 (node-exporter)
  • 9300 (cosmos-exporter)

Grafana Monitor Installation

We recommend installing the Grafana monitor on a separate server to be able to track and analyze your validator correctly. This way, you can monitor the data even if your node goes down, your server crashes, etc. The system requirements for the monitor are not very demanding. A system with the following specifications is sufficient:

System Requirements

Ubuntu 20.04 / 1 VCPU / 2 GB RAM / 20 GB SSD

Monitor Installation

You can complete the monitor installation on your new server by running the following code:

wget -O NodeistMonitor.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Nodeist/Nodeistor/main/NodeistMonitor && chmod +x NodeistMonitor.sh && ./NodeistMonitor.sh

Adding Validator to Prometheus Configuration

You can use the following code multiple times for different networks. This means you can view statistics for multiple validators on the same monitor. To do this, modify the code below for each network you want to add.


For example:

$HOME/Nodeistor/ag_ekle.sh osmovaloper1s9rtstp8amx9vgsekhf3rk4rdr7qvg8dlxuy8v osmo1s9rtstp8amx9vgsekhf3rk4rdr7qvg8d6jg3tl osmosis

Start Docker

Start the monitor deployment.

cd $HOME/Nodeistor && docker compose up -d

Ports used:

  • 9090 (prometheus)
  • 9999 (grafana)


Grafana Configuration

  1. Open your web browser and go to your_server_ip_address:9999 to access the Grafana interface.


  1. Your username and password are both admin. After the first login, you will be prompted to change your password.

  2. Import Nodeistor.

    3.1. Click on the + icon in the left menu and select Import from the pop-up window.


    3.2. Enter the grafana.com dashboard ID 16580. Then click Load.


    3.3. Choose Prometheus as the data source and click on Import.


  3. Configure the Explorer

    Normally, the "Most Missed Blocks" panel is tailored to the nodes.guru explorer. If you want to add a network that is not in the nodes.guru explorer, you need to make adjustments in the "Most Missed Blocks" tab.

    This step is only applicable to the "Most Missed Blocks" tab and is not mandatory.

    Click on the tab title and then click on "edit."


    4.1. Overrides tab.


    4.2. Click on the "edit" button in the "datalink" section.


    4.3. Update the Explorer address and click "Save."


    4.4. Finally, click the "Save" button in the upper right corner and then click "Apply" to apply the changes.

  4. Congratulations! You have successfully installed and configured Nodeistor.

Dashboard Contents

The Grafana dashboard is divided into four sections:

  • Validator Health - main statistics for validator health, connected peers, and missed blocks
  • Chain Health - summary statistics for chain health and a list of the top validators with missing blocks
  • Validator Statistics - information about the validator, such as ranking, bonded tokens, commission, delegations, and rewards
  • Hardware Health - system hardware measurements, including CPU, RAM, and network usage

Resetting Statistics

cd $HOME/Nodeistor
docker compose down
docker volume prune -f

Reference List

Resources used in this project: