
Miniwindow plugins for After Earth

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Miniwindow plugins for After Earth

Bits of this plugin and ideas were borrowed and remixed from the MUSHclient community. http://www.gammon.com.au/forum/?id=9385 and others. Modifications for Aardwolf and extra awesome sauce added by Fiendish with help from Orogan Adapted by Nick Gammon for Smaug and similar MUDs

Implementation of:

  • Mouse wheel scrolling
  • Chat and mention alerts
  • Doubleclick to bottom
  • Saving of buffer between sessions
  • Autosave
  • Character name identification

and adapted for After Earth

by Nodens/Akane


  • Resizeable and their position is saved.
  • Scrollback is autosaved so your messages can survive a MUSHClient or PC crash.
  • Fonts and timestamps are configurable.
  • Mouse wheel scrolls the windows.
  • Right click on the window brings context menu for easy configuration.
  • Command line options available as well (see in plugin file header or click "show info" in MUSHclient's plugin management interface).
  • 2 modes of alarms. Either on every incoming line or when your name is mentioned. Obviously private window only has on/off because all messages are directed to you.
  • Character name is auto-identified for mention alarm system.
  • Left click on any line to copy the entire line.
  • Save the entire buffer to file via right click context menu.
  • Doubleclick on an the miniwindow to automatically scroll to it's bottom/current.

How to install:

1)Copy the plugin files either in Mushclient's plugin directory or like I do in the worlds directory under a subdirectory dedicated to the MUD's files (eg AfterEarth)

2)Load from Mushclient's plugin interface (ctrl-shift-p)

Command line options for the toggles are available and listed in each plugin's source, at the header.


  • If you get a message about not set name run score in the game. This is needed for the beep-on-mention functionality.

  • On older systems with few resources the default lines to save may be too much. This is because plugins in Mushclient run in the main thread which causes a blocking behavior every time the plugins serialize and saves their scrollback buffer in plugin state file. There is nothing I can do about that and is one of the reasons I'm writing my own client heh. What you can do if you experience freezes is decrease the number of lines saved by editing this line in each plugin's source:

"MAX_SAVE_LINES = 1000 -- how many lines to save on state file"

To the number that works for you. Do notice that this value must ALWAYS be LESS than the value set right above it:

"MAX_LINES = 2000 -- how many lines to store in scrollback"

Which sets how many lines are held in the scrollback buffer and is also the line to edit if you're mudding on a tin-can with 1GB RAM or something, in order to reduce memory footprint.

Feel free to experiment with those values if you have faster/slower systems but remember that MAX_LINES must ALWAYS have a higher value than MAX_SAVE_LINES.

  • If you want to change the default beeping sound you have to change all the trigger definitions with "C:\WINDOWS\Media\Windows Ding.wav" defined to another file on your system. I plan to eventually expose sound changing functionality via the right click context menu.

  • Currently the Public channels plugin pulls emotes but only those that display as "emote_text [name of emoting player]". And dispite my horrific regex this manages to pull a few other lines as well that are difficult to exclude (mostly from helpfiles). If you don't like this and want emoted removed entirely, delete these 3 triggers from the file:

	match="^(?! |Syntax:)(.*)(?i)(@name)(?-i)(.*) \[(?!@name|F\]|OOC|AFK|up|down|north|south|east|west|northeast|northwest|southeast|southwest|HELP |Enter your|room\||Success|Rummage|App\:| Air\:|\d| \d)(.*)\]$"
	sound="C:\WINDOWS\Media\Windows Ding.wav"

    match="^(?! |Syntax:)(.*) \[(?!@name|F\]|OOC|AFK|up|down|north|south|east|west|northeast|northwest|southeast|southwest|HELP |Enter your|room\||Success|Rummage|App\:| Air\:|\d| \d)(.*)\]$"
	sound="C:\WINDOWS\Media\Windows Ding.wav"
    match="^(?! |Syntax:)(.*) \[(?!@name|F\]|OOC|AFK|up|down|north|south|east|west|northeast|northwest|southeast|southwest|HELP |Enter your|room\||Success|Rummage|App:\| Air\:|\d| \d)(.*)\]$"