
Tax and Personal Identification Number validation for several countries.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


release snapshot last commit

Tax and Personal Identification Number validation for several countries.

All algorithms for European countries are based on the Public Algorithms published by the European Commission.

Quick Start

For Maven projects, add the following dependency to your pom.xml file:


or, for the current snapshot (hosted in Sonatype Nexus repository):


Afterwards, you can use the library through its main entry-point (TinValidatorFactory):

TinValidatorFactory factory = DefaultTinValidatorFactory.INSTANCE;
boolean valid = factory.getValidatorFor("ES").isValid("72431799S");

Or, if your application is only used in one of the supported countries, by its country-specific class:

boolean valid = PortugalTinValidator.INSTANCE.isValid("123456789"));


Supported Countries

Country ISO Codes Version Notes
Austria AT, AUT, 040 1.0.0
Belgium BE, BEL, 056 1.0.0
Bulgaria BG, BGR, 100 1.0.0
Canada CA, CAN, 124 1.1.0
Croatia HR, HRV, 191 1.1.0
Cyprus CY, CYP, 196 1.1.0
Czechia CZ, CZE, 203 1.1.0 Only best effort, the algorithm is not public
Denmark DK, DNK, 208 1.1.0
Estonia EE, EST, 233 1.1.0
Finland FI, FIN, 246 1.1.0
France FR, FRA, 250 1.0.0
Germany DE, DEU, 276 1.0.0
Greece GR, GRC, 300 1.1.0
Italy IT, ITA, 380 1.0.0 Some checks still missing
Portugal PT, PRT, 620 1.0.0 Support for CIVIL ID No and TAX No
Romania RO, ROU, 642 1.0.0
Spain ES, ESP, 724 1.0.0 Support for NIF, NIE and CIF
UK GB, GBR, 826 1.1.0

Planned but not supported yet

The following countries will be added to the supported list in the future:

  • Hungary
  • Ireland
  • Latvia
  • Lithuania
  • Luxembourg
  • Malta
  • Netherlands
  • Poland
  • Slovakia
  • Slovenia
  • Sweden


If you have information on any unsupported country algorithm, or if you find a bug, please submit a GitHub issue. Please search the existing issues before submitting, in order to prevent duplicates.

Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


If you have any questions, feel free to open an issue here on GitHub.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.