
Module that that sends GitLab CI/CD traces to Instana.

Primary LanguagePython

Instana Gitlab CI Observer

Module that leverages GitLab CI webhooks to send traces to Instana.

Getting started

On Virtual Machine


  • Python 3.x:
  • Instana agent running on VM running this python module.
  1. Populate a config.yaml file with required GitLab (and, if applicable, AWX credentials):
    cat <<EOF > config.yaml
      url: https://gitlab.example.com/
      url: http://awx.example.com
      user: <AWX_USERNAME>
      password: <AWX_PASSWORD>
  2. Run the module:
    python3 pip install -r requirements.txt
    python3 main.py

On Kubernetes/OpenShift

  1. Edit the k8s-resources.yaml file to add required GitLab and, if applicable, AWX credentials:
    # k8s-resources.yaml
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
    name: instana-gitlab-ci-observer-config
    namespace: instana-gitlab-ci-observer
    type: Opaque
    config.yaml: |
        url: https://gitlab.example.com # CHANGEME
        api-token: gitlab-pat # CHANGEME
        url: http://awx.example.com # CHANGEME
        user: admin # CHANGEME
        password: adminPassword # CHANGEME
    • Note to create the GitLab personnal access token, navigate to your gitlab instance, click your user profile on the top right, then Preferences > Access Tokens, select the scope read_api then click Create personnal access token.
  2. Deploy the module by applying the resources:
    kubectl apply -f k8s-resources.yaml
  3. Add the webhook on your GitLab instance:
    1. Naviage to your project in your GitLab instance GitLab nav projects
    2. On the left navigation panel, select Settings, then Webhooks GitLab nav webhooks
    3. Enter URL http://instana-gitlab-ci-observer:instana-gitlab-ci-observer:8088/gitlab-ci
    4. Select Job events and Pipeline events scopes GitLab webhook scopes
    5. Disable SSL verification, then click Add webhook: GitLab add webhook
  4. Add the webhook on your AWX instance:
    1. Naviage to the Notifications in your AWX instance: AWX nav notifs
    2. Click Add: AWX nav notifs
    3. Chose notification name, type Target URL http://instana-gitlab-ci-observer:instana-gitlab-ci-observer:8088/awx, chose Webhook as notification type then click Save: AWX save notif
    4. Navigate to Templates, select your Ansible template, go to Notifications tab and enable notification webhook for that template (success and failure): AWX enable webhook
  5. Finally, run the pipeline in GitLab:
    1. Naviage to your project in your GitLab instance GitLab nav projects
    2. Navigate to CI/CD > Pipelines: GitLab select pipelines
    3. Click Run pipelines, type your variables then click Run pipelines: GitLab run pipeline
  6. When pipeline ends, you will see the trace in Instana: Instana trace