
A simple app that demonstrates modern android development using app modularization, Jetpack compose, Hilt, Room, Viewmodel, Coroutines and Kotlin flow with MVVM architecture.

Primary LanguageKotlin


A simple app that demonstrates modern android development using app modularization, Jetpack compose, Hilt, Room, Viewmodel, Coroutines and Kotlin flow with MVVM architecture.

How to build ⚙️

  • To run this project, clone this repository using this on your terminal git clone https://github.com/Noel-elon/PlainList.git
  • Import into android studio
  • Build the project and run on an android device or emulator

Project features 🎨

How does modularization work? 🤔

In simple terms, modularization is the practice of splitting your application codebase into "modules" that serve specific purposes and have individual responsobilities Modularization aids app scalability, testability, ownership, reusability, amongst others.


To learn more about modularization in android and best practices, check the official documentation here

Demo 📲

ezgif com-video-to-gif-2

Author 👨🏽‍🍳

Nwaelugo Noel