
An application for users to add and find events

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


TechTide MeetUps

📗 Table of Contents

📖 Techtide Meetups

Techtide Meetups is a tech event-management application built with the aim to connect developers around the world and locally to network and share knowledge.

🛠 Built With

Tech Stack

  • Next.js
  • Tailwind CSS
  • TypeScript
  • Zod - Form validition
  • ShadcnUI
  • React Date Picker
  • React Hook Form
  • Next.js
  • UploadThing- Image Uploads
  • Clerk - Authentication
  • MongoDB
  • Stripe
Design Tools
  • Figma
  • Visual studio code

Key Features

  • Use of Webhooks
  • User-friendly and Responsive
  • Search using UseSearchParams from Next.js
  • Pagination
  • Payment using Stripe

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🚀 Live Demo

Techtide Meetups

💻 Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running, follow these steps.


In order to set up and run the application you need:

  • A code editor preferably Visual Studio Code
  • A web browser preferably Google chrome.

Basic requirements are needed in order to fully understand how the project fully works :

  • Basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, React.js, Next.js, TypeScript.
  • How Webhooks work
  • How to work with Git and GitHub.
  • Configuring CI/CD using github actions


Clone this repository to your desired folder:

  cd my-folder
  git clone https://github.com/NoelLincoln/events-app-next


Install this project with:

  cd my-project
  npm install


Navigate to the root of the project and run the following command which will serve the project on http://localhost:3000 by default

  npm run dev

Run tests

To run tests(Disclaimer: Only a few test suites have been written). Jest is used as the testing library. Run the following command:

  npm run test


You can deploy this project using Vercel

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👥 Authors

👤 Noel Bryant

🔭 Future Features

  • Virtual assistant
  • Dark theme

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🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

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⭐️ Show your support

If you like this project feel free to contact me.

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🙏 Acknowledgments

I would like to thank the entire Microverse community and family for the support and motivation.

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Image Credits

  • freepik.com
  • pngfind.com


📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.

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