📐 CSS Layouts Best Practises

Code related to the CSS Layouts Best Practises course

🕵️ Project structure

Lesson related content is inside the /pages folder. For each lesson there is a /components folder, whre you can find each component's html and css together in a single file component.

In /common you will find the components that remain unchanged throughout the course.

If you prefer, you can also inspect the code for each lesson on the demo page with your devtools, or run the project locally as seen in the next section.

🏗️ Build Setup

If you wish to run the project locally:

# install dependencies
$ npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ npm run dev

# or generate static project and serve dist folder at localhost:3000
$ npm run generate
$ npm run start

Generated html files are in the /dist folder. CSS files are extracted to /dist/_nuxt/pages