
Swift + SwiftUI + Combine Github repository search example

Primary LanguageSwift


Swift + SwiftUI + Combine Github repository search example


This app is a showcase of iOS app executing Gihub repositories search. It was built basing on MVVM + Coordinator pattern. Technologies used are Swift, SwiftUI and Combine, to avoid external dependencies. Because of the state of the technologies today, I decided to use hybrid screens construction - well-known AppDelegate and UIViewController for the views lifecycle and navigation, filled with SwiftUI views. Main motivation was still fresh state of SwiftUI, not covering all features of UIKit yet. To keep the good balance between number of users and the language abilities, I picked the target as iOS 14.1.


  • Small SwiftUI components library, created with atomic design approach, including search bar
  • Single-responsibility coordinator and facade, creating clean navigation flow
  • MVVM view structure with dependencies split as follows:
    • Model for the business logic and internat state important for the view, but not being displayed
    • View Model being the bridge between View and Model, "translating" business state to display-friendly form
    • View Controller - UIKIt entity handling screen lifecycle
    • Content View being the root view of View Controller, managed by View Model
  • Easily scalable Endpoint definition using EndpointProtocol defining associatedtype RequestError and associatedtype Response
  • Simple search service
  • Service for fetching images from URLs, used to display users' avatars
  • Caching repository for fetched images
  • Shared theme for all components
  • Dispay single repository in SFSafariView - I believe this is the best option UX-wise

To Do

Since the app was just a showcase, it includes many areas for improvements. Few ideas are:

  • Add accessibility labels and IDs
  • Move all strings to the dictionary
  • Unit tests for caching repository and the endpoint
  • Define fonts and spacings in the shared theme
  • Add a toggle to switch between light and dark theme
  • Introduce Swift Lint and Swift Format
  • Improve memory usage (maybe downloadTask would be a better option in this case)


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