
ShooterGame using Unreal and NoesisGUI

Primary LanguageC++

NoesisGUI Unreal Engine ShooterGame Demo

Demo screenshot


This is a modified version of Epic's ShooterGame tutorial in which we've replaced the original UI (HUD and menus) with one made with NoesisGUI. Because the original UI was done using native code (HUD and Slate Widgets), we've had to make some changes to expose some data and functionality to Blueprints, but all the UI is done using XAML and Blueprints.

Demo Breakdown


  • Blueprint'/Game/ShooterGame/ShooterGame_Menu_Noesis.ShooterGame_Menu_Noesis', Blueprint'/Game/ShooterGame/ShooterGame_TeamDeathmatch_Noesis.ShooterGame_TeamDeathmatch_Noesis' and Blueprint'/Game/ShooterGame/ShotterGame_FreeForAll_Noesis.ShotterGame_FreeForAll_Noesis': These GameModes replace the original ones. They specify which controllers to use (Blueprint'/Game/ShooterGame/ShooterPlayerController_Menu_Noesis.ShooterPlayerController_Menu_Noesis' in Blueprint'/Game/ShooterGame/ShooterGame_Menu_Noesis.ShooterGame_Menu_Noesis' and Blueprint'/Game/ShooterGame/ShooterPlayerController_Noesis.ShooterPlayerController_Noesis' in the other two), and specify no HUD will be used, as we will be using NoesisGUI for it.


  • Blueprint'/Game/ShooterGame/ShooterPlayerController_Menu_Noesis.ShooterPlayerController_Menu_Noesis': It replaces the PlayerController used in the main menu of the game. It binds to the events OnStateStarted and OnStateEnding from ShooterGameInstance. The function OnStateStarted is responsible for creating a Widget from the NoesisView NoesisBlueprint'/Game/ShooterGame/MainMenuView.MainMenuView', adding it to the viewport and setting the input mode.


  • Blueprint'/Game/ShooterGame/ShooterPlayerController_Noesis.ShooterPlayerController_Noesis': It replaces the PlayerController used in game. It handles the InGameMenu InputAction to show and hide the in game menu, which is a Widget created from the NoesisView NoesisBlueprint'/Game/ShooterGame/GameMenuView.GameMenuView'.


  • NoesisBlueprint'/Game/ShooterGame/HUDView.HUDView': It's the NoesisView for the in game HUD. It also the DataContext for the NoesisXaml NoesisXaml'/Game/ShooterGame/HUD.HUD'. It exposes the properties used for Binding as variables, which are grouped in the 'Properties' category.


  • NoesisBlueprint'/Game/ShooterGame/GameMenuView.GameMenuView': It's the NoesisView for the in game HUD. It also the DataContext for the NoesisXaml NoesisXaml'/Game/ShooterGame/GameMenu.GameMenu'. It exposes the properties used for Binding as variables, which are grouped in the 'Properties' category, and a few as pairs of Get/Set functions. Note how the properties InfiniteAmmo, InfiniteClip, FreezeMatchTimer and HealthRegeneration, which are the ones implemented as functions and get their data from the ShooterPlayerController are manually notified in the Initialize function when said variable changes, as well as in the corresponding Set functions. It also implements the Commands ApplyOptions, Resume, BackToMainMenu and Quit.


  • NoesisBlueprint'/Game/ShooterGame/MainMenuView.MainMenuView': It's the NoesisView for the in game HUD. It also the DataContext for the NoesisXaml NoesisXaml'/Game/ShooterGame/MainMenu.MainMenu'. It exposes the properties used for Binding as variables, which are grouped in the 'Properties' category. It also implements the Commands ApplyOptions, HostFFA, HostTDM, SearchServer, JoinGame and Quit.SearchServer and JoinGame are used along CanExecuteSearchServer and CanExecuteJoinGame, that serve as the CanExecute functions of their respective Commands.


  • ShooterEntry - Level Blueprint: It has a GameMode override to use Blueprint'/Game/ShooterGame/ShooterGame_Menu_Noesis.ShooterGame_Menu_Noesis'.

ShooterEntry - Level Blueprint