
Publish Websites using ReactJs

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Publish Websites using ReactJs

Provides a minimal wrapper around ReactJs, React Router, and Static Site Generator Webpack Plugin.

Using using these, it generates an output folder, ready for upload to a static file host, (such as Github pages).

This module is best suited for those who want a ReactJs based static site generation tool which does just that and nothing else.

BYO markdown conversion, templating, and the like!

Develop & deploy

  • Run web-pack-dev-server during development
  • Run webpack to build something ready to upload to a static file host

Initial set up

Install reactpub:

npm install save-dev reactpub

Create/ edit data/data.js:

module.exports = {
  routes: ['/'],
  props: {
    routes: {
      '/': {
        meta: {
          title: 'Home page',
    aliases: {},

If you have a directory of markdown files, etc, you will most likely want to programmatically generate this file.

Create/ edit webpack.config.js:

'use strict';

const webpack = require('webpack');
const reactpubWebpack = require('reactpub/webpack');
const data = require('./data/data.js');

let webpackConfig = reactpubWebpack({


module.exports = webpackConfig;

Note that this is just a regular webpack config. Feel free to modify it as you wish to add your own plugins, loaders, etc, and to override any values, where the defaults provided are not what you want.

Create/ edit app/entry.js:

'use strict';

const reactpubEntry = require('reactpub/entry');

const routes = require('./routes.jsx');
const data = require('./data/data.js');

let reactOnClient = true;

let renderServer = reactpubEntry({
  routeMetadata: data,

module.exports = renderServer;

In an app folder, create entry.js. Define your React routes, require them, and pass them as an option.


The reactOnClient flag simply indicates whether the output bundle, containing the ReactJs application, should be run on the client as well - not just when pre-rendering all of your pages. This value is true by default.

When reactOnClient is enabled, and your pre-rendered pages are served on a static file server, when the user navigates from one route to another, they next page does not load, instead React simply updates the DOM, as in a single page application.

Terms used to describe this behaviour include Isomorphic Javascript and Universal Javascript; which are essentially the same thing, except here you do not need a server to render things on the fly. Instead, all of the pages are pre-rendered - static site generation - ready to be served on a static file host.


Routes defined using react-router@2.0.x.


The meta data describing the routes in data/data.js file we wrote earlier.


Brendan Graetz

