
Python Scrapy Web Spyder | Amazon-Books-Crawler. Extracts book title, description, paperback_price, author, star_rate, reviews, img_url, img_path and stores them in a sqlite3 database and JSON/CSV file.

Primary LanguagePython


Amazon-Books-Crawler is a python web spyder developed with Scrapy framework. For now, it has only one spider, it scrapes python books from https://www.amazon.com search results. This spyder extracts book title, description, paperback_price, author, star_rate, reviews, img_url, img_path and stores results in a sqlite3 database. Also, data could be stored to a JSON or CSV file with a simple command -- scrapy crawl amazon - file.json. To read logs after crawling, read file named log.txt in main directory.


  • Python3
  • Scrapy
  • SQLite3

Installing Dependencies

  1. virtualenv -p python3 scrapy_books_spyder
  2. cd scrapy_books_spyder
  3. activate it (source bin/activate)
  4. git clone https://github.com/w-e-ll/scrapy-web-spyder.git
  5. cd scrapy-web-spyder
  6. pip install -r requirements.txt
  7. cd amazon
  8. scrapy crawl amazon

made by: https://w-e-ll.com