
(Yet another) jQuery drag-drop file uploader. Requires a modern browser supporting XHR2 / FormData.


(Yet another) jQuery drag-drop file uploader. Requires a modern browser supporting XHR2 / FormData.

Usage: $(myElement).dropUpload(options); -- make an element able to receive dropped-on files and upload them


allowedExtensions: []

  • an array of allowable file extensions to be accepted

allowMultiples: boolean

  • whether or not to accept multiple files

urlTarget: string

  • the script on the server that will receive the file uploads

progressBar: string

  • the ID of the progress bar to use, if one is to be used at all. This accepts a string, not a jquery object

onComplete: function

  • callback for successful XHR call (for xhr.done)

onError: function

  • callback for errors in XHR call (for xhr.fail)