
TheirTube scraper allows to retrieve your own Youtube recommendation results on your local environment

Primary LanguageJavaScript

TheirTube Scraper

Theirtube is a Youtube filter bubble simulator that provides a look into how videos are recommended on other people's YouTube. 🔗their.tube.

TheirTube scraper allows to retrieve your own Youtube recommendation results on your local environment

Scraper Image


The main dependancy of theirtube is puppeteer ver 2.1.1, node-schedule ver 1.3.2 running on node.js ver 12

git clone https://github.com/kihapper/TheirTube.git

cd TheirTube

npm install 

npm run scrape

When activating for the first time, it will require you to login to your Youtube account on puppeteer. When you login, your login-cookie information will be saved under /cookies/theirtube_cookie , allowing you to access to your Youtube accout on the next run scrape command. When you want to switch between accounts, swap this cookie to login to different channels.


By default you can run the scraper everyday at a certain time. To specify when the program will run,you can set up a timer for a scheduled run. For instance, the below code will activate everyday on 17:31 your local time.

npm run scrape -- --scrapeHour=17 --scrapeMinute=31 

Data Structure

The youtube top page will be saved in the following JSON format. You can specify where you want to save your files in theirtube.js

     "title": "Video Title",
     "url": "https://www.youtube.com/VIDEO-URL",
     "channel": "Channel Name",
     "channel_url": "https://www.youtube.com/CHANNEL-URL",
     "channel_icon": "https://www.youtube.com/CHANNEL-ICON-URL.jpg",
     "thumbnail": "https://www.youtube.com/THUMBNAIL-URL",
     "viewnum": "XX views",
     "date": "XX days ago"


Everytime it gets the data, it will also get a screenshot of the Youtube top-page. You can see them in the /screenshot/images folder.

├── screenshot
│   └── 2020-07-22
│       ├── 2020-07-22persona1.jpg
│       ├── 2020-07-22persona2.jpg
│       ├── 2020-07-22persona3.jpg

Scraper Image