
Link to our demo project webpage:

Primary LanguagePython



Table of contents


Khub-Khao Recommender is a web application which will be a food recommender that based on criteria specified by the user. The intended users are everyone that can’t decided what to eat. The main features are get criteria specified by the user then analyze and show foods in the category based on the requirement, show rating of foods from our server and users able to rate foods if they want.

Team members

Team members GitHub Role(s)
Vichakorn Yotboonrueang Newaz2542 Team Leader, Developer
Kunyaruk Katebunlu NokKbl Developer
Kornphon Noiprasert Driveiei Developer


Installation Instructions

1. Install Python and virtualenv.

2. Install project and configuration.

  1. Open Terminal and clone the project from KhubKhao-Recommender.
    $ git clone https://github.com/NokKbl/khubkhao-recommender.git
  2. Change your current working directory into khubkhao-recommender folder and create a new virtual environment.
    $ cd khubkhao-recommender
    $ virtualenv env
  3. Activate the virtual environment.
    # For MacOS and Linux
    $ source ./env/bin/activate
    # For Windows
    $ .\env\Scripts\activate
  4. Install all required software in requirements.txt file.
    (env)$ pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. Change a file name .env.example into .env.

How to run

Run the following commands to make migrations, apply migrate, add seed data and run server.

  1. Make migrations.
    (env)$ python manage.py makemigrations
  2. Apply the migrations.
    (env)$ python manage.py migrate
  3. Add seed data to database.
    (env)$ python manage.py loaddata seed.json
  4. Run server at localhost:8000.
    (env)$ python manage.py runserver

Social account for Tester (include Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus)

If you want to login into admin site at localhost:8000/admin, you can do it by create superuser.

(env)$ python manage.py createsuperuser

When done, exit virtualenv.

(env)$ deactivate