
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Marvel Native App


  • Develop a POC around Marvel Api
  • Have a clean architecture
  • Use course knowledge
  • Use ES6
  • Clean code (comments)
  • Available on git
  • Make clean commits


Use of marvel API to display a list comics and infos associated to it.

How to use :

! You'll be requested to enter public and private api keys, first in any case you'll need to get them by sign-up to https://developer.marvel.com/signup !

Developper mode

Run the following commands in order to use the project in developer mode.

  • npm install
  • npm start
  • react-native run-android or react-native run-ios

Production mode

Production's apk, or ios app, will be available soons here on github or on the store (App Store / google)

Technology used

Project Archtecture

  • src : contain all the code source
    • assets: contains images, and resources.
    • Redux : contains every actions, reducers, and epics used with redux lib.
    • Utils : utilities for several problematic
    • Routes : contains view navigation configuration,
    • Components : contains "reusable" components.
    • Views : contains every "screens" of the application


  • Add custom icon for app.
  • Change name of the installed app
  • Add unit tests
  • Remove some native base components for custom homemade ones
  • Exploit correctly events, stories, and series datas.