
A python command line version of my TCGAQueryGenerator C# project. Useful for pipelining and/or running on other Operating Systems.

Primary LanguagePython


tcga_query documentation

author: Nolan Kuza (nkuza8@gmail.com)
date:	1-17-19


Parse vcf files by deleting metadata and keeping only selected columns.

usage: tcga_query.py [-h] -i INPUT -t {mRNA,miRNA,both} [-q] [-m MANIFEST] [-d METADATA]

required arguments:
  -i INPUT, --input INPUT
                        The name of the input file containing a list of TCGA ids. Each
						id can be quoted or unquoted. Only the first 12
						characters of each id will be used.
  -t {mRNA,miRNA,both}, --type {mRNA,miRNA,both}
						Type of data to export. Option 'both' specifies both mRNA AND miRNA.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show the help message and exit
  -q, --query           If this option is included, a TCGA QUERY will be
						outputed to stdout and a manifest will not be
  -m MANIFEST, --manifest MANIFEST
                        The name of the file to download the manifest to (will
                        overwrite file if it already exists). If this argument
						is not specified (and neither is -q), manifest will be
                        outputed to stdout.
  -d METADATA, --metadata METADATA
                        The name of the file to download the JSON metadata to (will
                        overwrite file if it already exists). If this argument
						is not specified (and neither is -q), metadata will be
                        outputed to stdout.


	We want to query mRNA with TCGA id in input.txt and then download the manifest to mani.txt and the metadata to meta.json.

	Then run with:
		python tcga_query.py -i input.txt -t miRNA -m mani.txt -d meta.json
	The program will write the following into mani.txt:
		id	filename	md5	size	state
		10b6df33-8f32-4ed9-b1b1-8867be485a2f	6e98ba8f-e00d-470c-832f-adc3dc6956a6.FPKM.txt.gz	61e93edfed714da7280bba70c08d0f41	505452	released
		a07c86e4-b157-49f7-b541-7e1c0b3cf27b	4ed68c20-e7f2-4b40-97f1-4f8a3ddae0a9.FPKM.txt.gz	895c980876df6ecde9fdb681edec209e	514950	released
		46ea8adf-e1bd-4e3b-8cea-307ca36073d0	6e98ba8f-e00d-470c-832f-adc3dc6956a6.FPKM-UQ.txt.gz	7ca897843589d989fcd429af53b3cad0	505835	released
		3653dfea-049c-4ae8-8aca-cf6799797dd7	dc76cdde-f77f-4604-94c4-0b150b9a56b4.htseq.counts.gz	71bcd107585e69b96e909076cc9c1b61	249745	released
		156acd96-fb20-4083-ace0-db465133670c	d011c9fc-3598-4f0b-b059-85d63de31a9f.FPKM.txt.gz	5970f4595f6d210bfd1f9b65b045a972	501941	released
		0f5f287b-ee07-47b1-9d71-03cacffbdc21	dc76cdde-f77f-4604-94c4-0b150b9a56b4.FPKM-UQ.txt.gz	03d16f7df1a9a79f7b764bb2e5ee0005	512590	released
		545b3be7-9189-4e1e-85d6-af4a7540ec97	4ed68c20-e7f2-4b40-97f1-4f8a3ddae0a9.htseq.counts.gz	2098e89ef4ad8b42d27bd05b38d933b4	253840	released
		3471e070-167d-4af2-b9c6-38fbd4e86add	4ed68c20-e7f2-4b40-97f1-4f8a3ddae0a9.FPKM-UQ.txt.gz	cac01aaa0b0c89bfcb765b9cf606f26c	516514	released
		9c740043-d02a-412a-851b-cfcb625e04c4	6e98ba8f-e00d-470c-832f-adc3dc6956a6.htseq.counts.gz	74b0373a0ccc28097775e4557fedfb00	249824	released
		1fae764e-3807-4565-a78d-5ea852d327a7	d011c9fc-3598-4f0b-b059-85d63de31a9f.htseq.counts.gz	7207f6f35a1b2044035b700eb4e68aa9	248552	released
		999f701a-2bd2-4e9d-94af-08d0f1be769c	dc76cdde-f77f-4604-94c4-0b150b9a56b4.FPKM.txt.gz	80e7f3092027e21e879633c74596aa37	509899	released
		96332d27-a064-4ca5-bf5d-f9c357556c39	d011c9fc-3598-4f0b-b059-85d63de31a9f.FPKM-UQ.txt.gz	9aadc0fd9352dccf65e509ecf186c8a7	503624	released

	Metadata will be outputed to meta.json