
Repository for the data used in "Narrating the city during the COVID-19 lockdown in Italy"

Tweets on Italian Cities

Dataset used for the publication Narrating the city during the COVID19 lockdown in Italy.
It can be accessed at the following link: www.gnolano.xyz/data/italian_cities_tweets.csv.

Each row has the following information:

  • id of the specific row;
  • permalink of the tweet;
  • username of the user who posted the tweet;
  • text of the tweet;
  • date in which the tweet was posted;
  • the number of times the tweet was retweeted (rt);
  • the number of times the tweet was liked (favs);
  • the mentions of other users (if any);
  • the hashtags present in the tweet (if any);
  • the localization of the users (if any);
  • the places mentioned in the tweet (mentioned_locs);
  • the Italian provinces mentioned in the tweet (mentioned_ita_locs).