From Monolingual Multiword Expression Discovery to Multilingual Concept Enrichment: an Ontology-based Approach

Repository for the semantically-enriched resource created on the basis of biographic texts for 500 agent entities scraped from the Europeana portal. The enrichment added the following information:

  1. MWE discovered through the combination of AKE and linguistic patterns,
  2. DBpedia-correlated entities linked to similar MWEs,
  3. multilingual labels for the Dbpedia entities, for all available languages,
  4. broader concepts for each of the Dbpedia entity linked to a specific MWE.

The resource is stored in a json file, where each key represent the Dbpedia uri of the agent entity. For each of these entity, the mwes key is used to store the top-5 recollected MWEs, ranked by a custom score while the closestConcepts key stores uris and multilingual labels for the mwes that show a strong connection to specific links in Dbpedia.


Gennaro Nolano1
Maria Pia di Buono1
Johanna Monti1



  1. Unior NLP Research Group, University of Naples "L'Orientale" 2 3