
An asynchronous WAMP client implementation written in rust

Primary LanguageRust


crates.io mio Lines of Code

An asynchronous WAMP client implementation written in rust.


For usage examples, see :

  • Publisher/Subscriber

    // Publish event with no arguments and with acknowledgment
    let ack_id = client.publish("peer.heartbeat", None, None, true).await?;
    println!("Ack id {}", ack_id.unwrap());
    // Register for events
    let (_sub_id, mut event_queue) = client.subscribe("peer.heartbeat").await?;
    // Wait for the next event
    match event_queue.recv().await {
        Some((_pub_id, args, kwargs)) => println!("Event(args: {:?}, kwargs: {:?})", args, kwargs),
        None => println!("Event queue closed"),
  • RPC caller & callee

    // Call endpoint with one argument
    let (args, kwargs) = client.call("peer.echo", Some(vec![12.into()]), None).await?;
    println!("RPC returned {:?} {:?}", args, kwargs);
    // Declare your RPC function
    async fn rpc_echo(args: Option<WampArgs>, kwargs: Option<WampKwArgs>) -> Result<(Option<WampArgs>, Option<WampKwArgs>), WampError> {
        println!("peer.echo {:?} {:?}", args, kwargs);
        Ok((args, kwargs))
    // Register the function
    let rpc_id = client.register("peer.echo", rpc_echo).await?;

Structs Serialization and Deserialization

// Call endpoint with one argument
let (args, kwargs) = client.call("peer.echo", Some(vec![12.into()]), None).await?;
// or
let (args, kwargs) = client.call("peer.echo", Some(wamp_async::try_into_args((12,))), None).await?;
println!("RPC returned {:?} {:?}", args, kwargs);
#[derive(serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize)]
struct MyKwArgs {
    name: String,

// Declare your RPC function
async fn rpc_echo(args: Option<WampArgs>, kwargs: Option<WampKwArgs>) -> Result<(Option<WampArgs>, Option<WampKwArgs>), WampError> {
    // You only need serde-deserializable structure (e.g. a tuple of two integers)
    let valid_args: (i32, i32) = if let Some(args) = args {
    } else {
        return Err(wamp_async::WampError::UnknownError("positional args are required".to_string()));
    println!("Two integers are: {}, {}", valid_args.0, valid_args.1);

    // You can also use a custom struct and use a little bit of Rust helpers
    let valid_kwargs: Option<MyKwArgs> = kwargs.map(wamp_async::try_from_kwargs).transpose()?;

    if let Some(MyKwArgs { name }) = valid_kwargs {
        println!("Name is {}", name);
    } else {
        println!("There were no kwargs specified");


// Register the function
let rpc_id = client.register("peer.echo", rpc_echo).await?;


Feature Desciption Status
Websocket Use websocket as the transport
Secure Websocket Websocket over HTTPS
RawSocket Use lightweight TCP as the transport
Secure RawSocket RawSocket with TLS
MsgPack Use MessagePack for message serialization
JSON Uses JSON for message serialization


Basic profile :

Feature Desciption Status
Publisher Ability to publish messages on topics
Subscriber Can subscribe and receive events for a topic
Caller Ability to call RPC endpoints
Callee Ability to register RPC endpoints

Advanced profile:

Feature Desciption Status
Client Authentication Low-level support for Client Authentication (Ticket-based, CRA)
Progressive Calls Partial results reported from Callee to Caller help wanted



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