
FiwixOS is a Fiwix distribution, an operating system made from a software collection that is based upon the Fiwix kernel.

Primary LanguageC

Since Fiwix does not support networking yet, it is not able to download the tarballs from Internet upstreams. This repository includes all the tarballs (and patches) to create the final FiwixOS packages.

I use this repository to update the packages that will form the next FiwixOS version, and also to include new ones. Every upstream tarball must go into the src/ directory along with its own patch file (if needed). Also, you must modify the script makeall.sh to include the new package name and version, and also you must specify how it must be build.

In order to use this repository from your FiwixOS system and be able to port your packages, you need to include this repository into a virtual disk drive. I recommend you to create a virtual disk drive in your Host Operating System:

e.g. under Linux:

$ truncate -s 4G fiwix-builds-4GB.img

Then, the first thing you need to do is format it under FiwixOS. You must include this disk image into your QEMU command, like this:

$ qemu-system-i386 \
        -drive file=FiwixOS-3.3-i386.raw,format=raw,if=ide,cache=writeback,index=0 \
        -drive file=fiwix-builds-4GB.img,format=raw,if=ide,cache=writeback,index=3 \
        -boot c \
        -m 256 \
        -enable-kvm \
        -machine pc \
        -cpu 486 \
        -chardev pty,id=pciserial \
        -device pci-serial,chardev=pciserial \
        -serial pty

Boot your FiwixOS and login, then execute fdisk and configure only the first partition /dev/hdd1. Then format the partition with EXT2 and you are done.

# mkfs.ext2 -r 0 -m 0 /dev/hdd1
# shutdown -h 0

At this point you can mount this virtual disk from your Host Operating System, and clone this repository into it.

Once you have clone it, you can boot FiwixOS again, mount the filesystem and you can add new packages and update the build script makeall.sh.

This repository also includes the GNU Toolchain and the Newlib C library into the toolchain/ directory.

Use the script make-toolchain.sh to build the packages Binutils, GCC and the Newlib C library.

Building the media files

  • install.sh is the installation script that comes with the Installation CD-ROM. This is the script that is used to install FiwixOS in your computer.

  • make_media.sh is the script intended to be run under root to create the final FiwixOS media.

    Example: ./make_media.sh 3.3 /path/to/iso /path/to/fiwix/source/code