Express / Nodejs Starter with JWT authentication, SQLite database, Sequelize ORM, unit tests and basic tooling. Actively supported and versioned by AppSeed
- Node.js >= 6.x
Authentication is based on json web tokens. passport-jwt
strategy is used to handle the email / password authentication.
After a successful login the generated token is sent to the requester.
POST api/users/login
Host: localhost:3000
Content-Type: application/json
"email": "",
"password": "demo"
POST api/users/signup
Host: localhost:3000
Content-Type: application/json
"email": "",
"password": "demo",
"name": "George",
"surname": "Clooney"
- clone repo:
git clone
- change directory to nodejs-starter:
- create a file named .env which should contain the following default setup:
SALT=35kj7waj3k5kja09jeoi21kn0pg13iuhlkn // used in password hashing
JWT_SECRET=secret // used in JWT signing
SESSION_SECRET=secret // used for session data
PORT=3000 // the port on which your server will be available on
SERVER_ADDRESS= // or for all or other interface address you want to listen
- users are saved in file
Install Modules
$ npm i
$ npm i nodemon -g
$ npm run start # classic start OR
$ npm run dev # with nodemon live update
Runs the application with nodemon. Server is listening on Port 3000 by default. This can be overwritten by PORT
constant in .env
For issues and features request, use Github or access the support page provided by AppSeed
MIT @ AppSeed
Nodejs Starter provided by AppSeed