
Your CTO on-demand

Primary LanguageCSS


The website for Nomadblue.com - Yout CTO on-demand.


In order to work with LESS, we will need to add the new generated CSS files each time we want to commit changes to our repository. To compile LESS files, we use the command line tool provided as a Node.js NPM.

Installation instructions for OS X under Homebrew:

brew install npm
npm install -g less

We use Twitter Bootstrap. We will be joining its .less files together with our own ones to produce a single styles.css. This way we can override the bootstrap variables. Clone the twitter bootstrap repo to a place outside the repository:

git clone https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap.git


Check out the source:

git clone git@github.com:Nomadblue/nomad-web.git

Create virtual environment:

mkvirtualenv nomadweb

Jump into project folder and install requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements_dev.txt

Copy the following files and follow their instructions inside to edit them (the copied files, not the "_sample" ones!!!!):

cp conf/env_sample .env
cp conf/localsettings_sample.py ahorramos/localsettings.py
vim .env
vim nomadweb/localsettings.py

Run the reset script corresponding to your db (sqlite or postgres):


Start devel webserver and visit http://localhost:8000/:

python manage.py runserver



Symlink external libraries so they can be found by makemessages command:

ln -s /path/to/django-nomad-base-accounts/base_accounts

Run makemessages (notice we are using the -s option to follow the symlinks) and edit the .po files with an editor like Poedit_:

./manage.py makemessages -s -l es
open locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/django.po

Remember to change the symlink names to clean up after yourself and avoid clashing with the library imports. The new symlink should be alos ignored on .gitignore but double check and add it if not, before commiting:

mv base_accounts base_accounts_symlink


Project is deployed with CSS already compiled including Twitter Bootstrap from LESS files and commited to the repository. First off you need to make the bootstrap repository and the best method so far is creating a symlink into the website/static/ repository, for example:

cd website/static/
ln -s /path/to/repo/bootstrap

Before commiting changes to the repository, do not forget to run lessc to update our CSS files, otherwise deployments will miss them:

lessc website/static/less/imports.less > website/static/css/styles.css