These examples only works in ACF5
This repo contains several examples of using AJAX to dynamically load fields based on the values in other fields. See the individual example folders for more information.
There are also some other examples here that are more complicated than what can be found in my ACF Filters & Functions Repo becuase each of these examples requires code in several files.
The following is a brief explanation of each example
dynamic-fields-on-relationship: This example shows how to load additional fields from a post selected in a relationship field.
dynamic-repeater-on-category: This example is a bit more complicated than the ones below. It will load a repeater field located on a post with values from a repeater field of the chosen post category.
dynamic-select-example: Load values into a select field based on a choice made in another select field
dynamic-text-based-on-user-select: Loads text fields based on the selection made for a user field
repeater-ajax-load-more: This is an example of how to create a "Load More" feature for a repeater field.
unique-repeater-checkbox: This example shows how to create a true/false field in a repeater that will only allow the field to be checked in one row of the repeater. A multi-row radio field.