
Kahoot bot spammer!

MIT LicenseMIT


Need a distraction? Is your teacher hosting a Kahoot? Well, there's certainly nothing better to do than...FLOOD THE KAHOOT WITH BOTS!!!

Well, you can actually do it, for free! No more need to use those CPU depriving Kahoot spammers you find on Google that can only send a limited amount of bots for the price of a few dollars, no this bot can send hundreds of bots into a single Kahoot game, and they can actually answer the questions and get them right!

Start by forking this repository. The best option is to host it from repl.it, as if you run it on your local host, your computer might suffer some damage as sending hundreds of bots into a Kahoot game kinda takes up a lot of RAM...

You don't need to change or configure anything, just run the repl, and wait for the console to say Press enter to continue, twice. Do that, and now it says Enter game pin>. Input the game pin with no spaces, and click Enter. Now it says Enter number of bots>. Enter the amount of bots you'd like to send into the Kahoot. Please note that the server gets ratelimited by Kahoot when you send over 400 bots. I recommend forking this multiple times so you can coordinate an attack with lots more bots. Once you input the amount and click Enter, it should say Enter name>. Put the name that you want the bots to have. When the bots join the game, they will be numbered, so remember that. This means that if you put the name as "Bob", the server will send "Bob10", "Bob24", "Bob56" to the game. Hit Enter, and you're all set, the bots take a few seconds to start joining the game. I hope you enjoy this, and please make an issue or a pull request if you have any ideas or suggestions!

I'm not responsible for any damage this does to anyone, this is solely for educational purposes only. What you do with this is up to you :)

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