
Chat bots comunicate between who have lost someting and who found someting.

Primary LanguagePython


A Chatbot allow communication between who have lost someting and who found someting.

Getting Started


  • Line developer account
  • ngrok (localhost)
  • Dialogflow
  • mongoDB
  • Flask

Install library

$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt 


cd app/config.py

variable Description
root_path URL path for accessing route.
image_path Relative path of image folder.
credential_path credentrial Dialogflow key.
project_id Project ID of Dialogflow agent.
Channel_access_token Your own Line Channel access token
Channel_secret Your own Channel secret

How to run

  • cd app/ then run code below.
$ python app.py 
  • open ngrok ngrok.exe then run code below.
$ ngrok http port 3000
  • copy url path and connect with line webhook. For example https://911f1c3208b9.ngrok.io



  • Map from princess chulabhorn science high school mukdahan (my high school)