
The VESC-BrushlessMotor library allows communication over canbus with the VESC Brushless Controller using an Arduino board. This library provides a simple and easy-to-use interface to control the VESC controller.

Primary LanguageC++


The VESC-BrushlessMotor library allows communication with the VESC Brushless Controller using an Teensy board. This library provides a simple and easy-to-use interface to control the VESC controller.


  1. Download the latest release from the releases page as a .zip file.
  2. In the Arduino IDE, go to Sketch > Include Library > Add .ZIP Library.
  3. Select the downloaded .zip file and click "Open".


// Define Canbus ports number

#include <VESC-BrushlessMotor.h>

// Define the VESC motor object with the VESC ID
VESCBrushlessMotor Motor_A(110);

void setup() {
  // Initialize the canbus for the motor
  // By default baudrate has been set at 1000000 bps and 16 MailBox
  Motor_A.initCanBus(1000000 , 16);

void loop() {
  // Get motor data from the VESC

  // Print motor data to the serial monitor
  Serial.print("Speed: ");
  Serial.print(" RPM, Current: ");
  Serial.print(" A, Duty Cycle: ");
  Serial.println(" %");

  // Set motor parameters as needed
  // Set different motor parameters
  //Motor_A.setMotorSpeed(100);  // set motor a speed unit rpm (RPM) this library already convert from ERPM to RPM
  //Motor_A.setMotorCurrent(2); //set motor current unit ampere (A)
  //Motor_A.setMotorCurrentREL(2); //set motor current unit ampere (A)
  //Motor_A.setMotorCurrentBrakeREL(10);  // set motor current handbrake rel unit percentage (%)
  //Motor_A.setMotorCurrentBrake(5); // set motor current brake unit amepere (A)
  //Motor_A.setMotorCurrentHandBrake(10); // set motor current handbrake unit amepere (A)
  //Motor_A.setMotorDuty(10); // set motor by duty cycle unit percentage (%)


Here's a list of the available functions in this library:

  • VESCBrushlessMotor(uint16_t vescID) - Constructor function that initializes a new VESCBrushlessMotor object with the specified VESC ID.
  • initCanBus() - Initializes the CAN bus communication.
  • PollCanBus() - Polls the CAN bus for incoming data.
  • setMotorSpeed(int32_t speed) - Sets the motor speed in RPM (revolutions per minute).
  • setMotorCurrent(int16_t current) - Sets the motor current in A (amperes).
  • setMotorCurrentREL(int16_t current) - Sets the motor current in relative units, ranging from -1 to 1.
  • setMotorCurrentBrake(int16_t current) - Sets the motor current in A (amperes) for the brake.
  • setMotorCurrentBrakeREL(int16_t current) - Sets the motor current in relative units, ranging from -1 to 1, for the brake.
  • setMotorCurrentHandBrake(int16_t current) - Sets the motor current in A (amperes) for the handbrake.
  • setMotorDuty(int16_t duty) - Sets the motor duty cycle in % (percentage).
  • getMotorSpeed() - Returns the current motor speed in RPM (revolutions per minute).
  • getMotorCurrent() - Returns the current motor current in A (amperes).
  • getMotorDutyCycle() - Returns the current motor duty cycle in % (percentage).

Starting and Stopping the VESC-BrushlessMotor

To start the VESC-BrushlessMotor, you'll need to connect it to a power