
Server file for deployment on Digital Ocean for challengr application

Primary LanguageJavaScript

SumoChickn Server Package

Server files


Table of Contents

  1. Dependencies
  2. Development
    1. Installing Dependencies
    2. Server Information
    3. Server Design
    4. Database Design
  3. Contributing


###Server Dependencies

  • node 2.x.x or higher
  • express 4.13.4
  • morgan 1.7.0
  • mysql 2.10.2
  • sequelize 3.20.0
  • body-parser 1.15.0

Tech Stack






##Installing Dependencies

Inside of the root directory:

npm install

###Server Information

This repo contains the Back-end for the mobile application SumoChickn. It utilizes a mySQL database along with a Node/Express server to store all the data necessary for the application to run.

####Server Design

  1. /getInitialData/:userId GET

Request Params = {userId: integer}

Gets the initial data of all challenges associated with the specified user.

  1. /getAllUsers GET

Gets the information of all users in the database

  1. /login POST

Request Body = {username: string}

Logs the user in with their facebook account as well as save their facebook name to the database.

  1. /submitChallenge POST

Request Body: {challengeText: string, points: integer, createdBy: string, userChallenged: string, UserId: integer}

Sends a challenge to a specified user through the UserId property.

  1. /toggleChallenge/:id PUT

Request Params: {id: integer}

Toggles a challenge from incomplete to complete

  1. /addPhoto/:id PUT

Request Params: {id: integer}

Update the proofUrl property on the database with the url of the photo captured.

  1. /getPhoto/:id GET

Request Params: {id: integer}

Gets the photo from a specific challenge through the challenge id.

  1. /getClosedChallenges/:from/:to GET

Request Params: {from: integer, to: integer}

Gets the number of completed challenges from the database start from 'from' up to and including 'to'

  1. /voteOnproof/:id/:vote PUT

Request params: {id: integer, vote: integer}

Updates the yes-vote or no-vote property of the challenge. If a vote of 0 is passed, the no-vote property is incremented, otherwise if a vote of 1 is passed, the yes-vote property will increment.

####Database Design

To simplify database querying and initialization, Sequelize was used with the mySQL database. There are 4 tables in the database, the schema is as follows:

  1. User
  • id - The user's unique id
  • name - String
  • beastPoints - Integer
  • wussPoints - Integer
  1. Challenge
  • id - The challenge's unique id
  • challengeText - String
  • points - Integer
  • createdBy - String
  • complete - Boolean
  • expired - Boolean
  • userChallenged - String
  • proofUrl - String
  • voteCountYes - Integer
  • voteCountNo - Integer
  • closedDate - Date
  1. Tribe
  • id - The Tribe's unique id
  • tribeName - The name of the tribe
  1. User_Tribe
  • id_User - The user's id
  • id_Tribe - The tribe's id

Schema Design

Database Schema


See CONTRIBUTING.md for contribution guidelines.