- Evan Zhao
- Oscar Barratt
- Ray Zhang
- Nattanon Bunyatipanon
- Jaru Mejino
For our final project, we decided to focus on HIV throughout the world and its prevalence in each country over the years of 2000-2015. The goal was to use statistical analysis, data wrangling, and visualizations to properly express the answers to the questions we had coming into this project. Using R and shiny, we created an app that can be seen here
The visualizations shown throughout the application answer several questions:
Which countries have the highest prevalence and death rate due to HIV?
How did the percentage of infection/death fluctuate over the decade?
What characteristics do the top 5 most infected countries share among each other? Ex: GDP, population size, etc..
Alongside our utilization of Shiny and R, we also implemented libraries such as qdap, gdata, and plotly to make our visualizations and code neater.
Our data was found on the following resources: