
This is a Java interpreter for the esoteric language, TreeHugger, which is a bf variant.

Primary LanguageJava


TreeHugger is a variant of bf. Credit for inventing this language goes to Cluid Zhasulelm at http://esolangs.org/wiki/Treehugger. This language has 9 characters in it and formats its data as an infinite binary tree. The character set is: + - [ ] < ^ > . ,

Character Function
+ Increment value at current node
- Decrement value at current node
[ if (value at current node)==0: skip past corresponding ']'
] if (value at current node)!=0: skip back to corresponding '['
< Goto left child of current node
^ Goto parent of current node
> Goto right child of current node
. Print value of current node to standard out as ascii
, Read a character from standard in