JavaScript DApp Template

This is a template for JavaScript Cartesi DApps. It uses node to execute the backend application. The application entrypoint is the src/index.js file. It is bundled with esbuild, but any bundler can be used.


Meteor generator is a game algorithm built on cartessy to help run complex random number generation for a game app.

This contract basically collects a number type argument which represents the difficulty of a game level, the number passed in represent the number of meteors that a player will have to navigate through, each metero is a json object containing:

  • Meteor size.
  • Meteor speed.
  • Meteor impact Latitude.
  • Meteor impact Longitude.

Each meteor has different random numbers generated to represent each of its properties.

Running the App

  • Clone the project.
  • cd into the project folder
  • run sunodo build in one terminal to build the project.
  • Create another terminal then run sunodo run to start the backend.
  • finally in the first terminal, run sunodo send generic then follow the promps accordingly until you're asked to type an input.
  • Pass in any number of your choice, preferably below 20.
  • check out the second terminal running the backend for a transaction report and the output meteor data.