
MCF: Missing 'Organization527Ind'?

Closed this issue · 11 comments

I noticed that the 527 checkboxes in 990, 990EZ seem to be missing in the master concordance?


Dunno if anyone's ever said yes to this, but seems to be possible? Am I missing something?


lecy commented

I just did a quick search in the source files - the base spreadsheet david created for the datathon and the spreadsheet miguel contributed, and did not find these in either.

is there something unique about the way the path is presented that would have caused a problem?

Yeah, I see no instances in the 2013 and on era of this variable ever appearing. Whether or not this is a bug, it's definitely worth following up. I believe 527 orgs have the option of filing 8871/8872 reports as well, but unclear if that removes this requirement?

lecy commented

Not sure what to make of this pdf 900817449-990POL-01.pdf

This is an efile generated graphic for ty 2012 with the 527 box checked. What's odd is that I got it from the IRS 527 search, which said that it was a paper result, even though clearly it's generated.

Nope it looks like the efiled 990's from 527 orgs have been systematically excluded from the amazon dump? Ask me about the file Sean O'Reilly took down showing the number of 990s submitted electronically but not released electronically.

Here's another: doh, the link doesn't work here's the file (it's 2015): PDF File

And another 460769544-990POL-05.pdf

I'm closing this for now, as it doesn't seem to be a problem with the code reading the xml, but a larger problem.