
990PF Section 8 Line 1

Opened this issue · 3 comments

There are a few issues with the 990PF Section 8 Line 1 mappings:

  1. Mappings under the /Return/ReturnData/IRS990PF/OfcrDirTrusteesKeyEmployeeInfo/OfcrDirTrusteesOrKeyEmployee path in the 2004-2012 version of form 990PF do not use unique variable names. 13 use F9_08_PF_ODTKEIODTOKE, 3 use F9_08_PF_ODTKEIODTOKE1 and 3 use F9_08_PF_ODTKEIODTOKE2.
  2. Mappings under the /Return/ReturnData/IRS990PF/OfficerDirTrstKeyEmplInfoGrp/OfficerDirTrstKeyEmplGrp path in the 2013 and 2014-2015 version of form 990PF use repeated variables and are not consistently marked as appearing on line 1.
  3. F9_08_PF_ODTKEICOHPCB1 and F9_08_PF_ODTKEICOHPCB2 are marked as F990-PF-PART-08-LINE-1 variables but do not appear on that line.

Thanks so much @millern ! That looks great. @lecy do you have any time to check? I'm swamped at the moment. Maybe we should have a checklist or something that we review before merging?

@millern there's actually a collection of variables that I suspect are duplicated here: though it hasn't been updated with the newest merges. If you have the urge to fix any more, many of these need attention (though few are as mangled as F9_08_PF_ODTKEIODTOKE )!

Related, this was never really closed, but closed administratively for a better way of tracking these: #2

@jsfenfen No problem

I'm working on a project that utilizes some of the PF mappings. I'm not sure I have the urge to go through that list but I will push my updates to the concordance file back here as I make them.

I went ahead and updated the duplicate file with the current mappings (#32)