
Explore trends in New York City (NYC) school SAT performance with this Python project. Completed as part of a Datacamp data analysis course, this project utilizes the pandas library to analyze a dataset containing SAT scores and school information for NYC public schools.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

New York City School SAT Performance Analysis

Welcome to the New York City School SAT Performance Analysis project repository! This project aims to analyze the performance of NYC public schools based on SAT scores and answer key questions regarding school performance.


The dataset (schools.csv) contains information about NYC public schools, including school name, borough, SAT scores in math, reading, and writing, as well as additional information.


Using Python and the pandas library, we perform various analyses on the dataset to answer questions such as identifying the top-performing schools in math, finding the borough with the highest standard deviation in SAT scores, and more.

Repository Structure

  • schools.csv: Dataset used for analysis.
  • school_sat_analysis.ipynb: Jupyter notebook containing Python code for data analysis.
  • README.md: You are here! Provides an overview of the project and instructions for replication.

Getting Started

To replicate the analysis or explore the dataset further, follow these steps:

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine.
  2. Ensure you have Python and Jupyter Notebook installed.
  3. Open school_sat_analysis.ipynb in Jupyter Notebook and execute the code cells.


  • 'Nonso Omoko