This is the github mostly so we all can contribute to importing tools to make game master more accessible, but also because it was a neat little experiment. These are on the chrome extension store ! Check 'em out!
- Seperate Entries ',' or a new line
- Specify Quantitity with (<number>)
- Specify Extra options with [<options>]
* <Category Name> : <Line Break>
* <Category Data/Entries>
* <Name>
* Toughness
* <Amount> <Name> [<weaponkey>=<damage>;..]
* 1 Shotgun [damage=1d10+3;range=30m;pen=2;]
* <Name> (<Stat>) (<Bonus>)
* Athletics (Str) (+4)
* <Name> : <Description>
* Stout Toughness : This character does take damage
* <Name> (<Rank>)
* Sound Consitution (Rank 1)
* <Name>
* Psyker
* <Name> : <Description>
* Magic Missile : Launch a energy attack at an enemy
* <Name> : <Value>
* Race : Gnome
* <Stat Name> : <Equation>
* Dexterity : 13+4