
My dotfiles

Primary LanguageLua

Nooby's dotfiles

My current Linux configuration for Debian with AwesomeWM. It also includes other Window Managers that I want to try out. Some config Packages have additional Installation Steps which are documented in additional readmes.

AwesomeWM Readme

VIM Readme


Install Git and xstow or stow.

sudo apt install git tig gitk
sudo apt install xstow

Then clone the Repository to ~/dotfiles and initialise the Submodules:

git clone https://github.com/Nooby/dotfiles.git
git submodule update --init --recursive

Activate the Config packages with xstow. Example:

xstow awesome

Install MPD

sudo apt install mpd ncmpcpp
systemctl disable mpd
mkdir ~/.mpd/playlists
touch ~/.mpd/{state,database,log,pid,state}