Advanced React Coursera's Final Project

This project is part of the Advanced React final project where I implemented various React concepts which I have learned throughout the course. The project is a portfolio where users can submit their contact information, and it includes features such as form validation, state management, side-effect management, context implementation , handling user interactions, and using external libraries to create the interfaces.


  • Implementation of conditional rendering for dynamic user interfaces
  • Utilization of the useEffect hook for managing side effects
  • Integration of external libraries to enhance user interface components
  • Responsive design for optimal viewing on various devices
  • Custom styling using an external library/framework
  • Handling form submissions with asynchronous operations
  • Integration of context API for global state management
  • Use of higher-order components or custom hooks for reusable logic
  • Error handling and providing meaningful feedback to users

Technologies Used

  • Chakra
  • Formik
  • React
  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • CSS