A Laravel command to easily reset user passwords

This Laravel package adds the command password:reset to your Laravel artisan commands.

Due to the common sense, this package is disabled in production environments. If you are in a production environment, you should never know any user's password. In case you want to test this command in production, just use an staging enviornment.


You can install this package as dev only dependency via composer using:

composer require --dev noogic/laravel-cli-password-reset

If you want to install as a direct dependency instead (not only for develop), then:

composer require noogic/laravel-cli-password-reset

Just keep in mind that, anyways, it wont work in production environments for security reasons.

The package will automatically register its services provider.


The package comes with its own configuration to locate de User class and define the default password.

'user' => 'App\User',
'password' => 'secret',

You can change it by publishing the config/cli-password-reset.php config file:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Noogic\PasswordReset\PasswordResetServiceProvider"

How to use

The default behaviour is to reset all User's password to the default password:

php artisan password:reset

You can specify the password without changing the default value:

php artisan password:reset --password=anotherpassword

You can change the password only to specified users by passing the ids:

php artisan password:reset --id=1 --id=5 --id=12

And finally, you can combine the specific password with the specified users

php artisan password:reset --password=anotherpassword --id=1 --id=3