
A Discord bot that generates a video from a World of Warships replay file.

Primary LanguagePython


A Discord bot that generates a video from a World of Warships replay file.

Getting started

Clone this repo. git clone https://github.com/imkindaprogrammermyself/renderer-bot-rq.git

Create a virtual environment via Python's venv module and activate it. (This assumes you have Python 3.9 installed and on Linux)

$cd renderer-bot-rq $python3.9 -m venv venv $. venv/bin/activate $pip install -r requirements.txt

Install redis-server. You can install redis by following the instruction here or via apt.

If you're planning to run the bot, worker and redis-server separately, modify the following values inside /etc/redis/redis.conf

Comment out the line with bind ::1. Uncomment the line with # requirepass foobared and change foobared to something secure to set the password. Restart the redis-server.


First, you need to create a .env file. Start by,

$cp .env-template .env

Modify the values.

  • ENVIRONMENT set's which redis url to use.


  • REDIS_TESTING_URL local redis server url for testing.

  • REDIS_PRODUCTION_URL remote or local redis server url depending on your setup.

     Ex. `redis://:yourredispassword@ip-172-0-0-1.us-east-2.compute.internal:6379`
  • BOT_COMMAND_PREFIX The bot's command prefix ie. $, ! or any character you want. It's completely up to you but check for prefixes other bot uses in your server to avoid collision with the other bots.

  • BOT_TOKEN Your bot's token. Get one from discord.com/developers/applications

  • BOT_LOGS_CHANNEL Discord channel ID where the bot will write its logs.

  • BOT_OWNERS Bot's owner(s) ID(s). Your Discord ID or and someone's. Valid value (JSON array): [623183509066088450, 623183509066088423]

  • BOT_REQUIRED_PERM Bot's required permission to function properly. A JSON array.


  • FPS the render's fps.

  • QUALITY the render's quality.

  • QUEUE_MAX_WAIT_TIME Queue wait time before the job is deleted.

  • TASK_COOLDOWN Seconds before a user can use the bot's render commands again.

  • TASK_QUEUE_SIZE Sets the size of the queue. Once the queue size is reached the bot wont take another render request.

  • RENDER_PBAR_F Progress bar foreground character.

  • RENDER_PBAR_B Progress bar background character.

  • URL_PAYPAL Donation URL. Can be Patreon, GoFundMe, etc. Omitting the values will remove the Buy me a coffee from the bot's embed messages.

  • BACKUP_KEY Backup encrypt key. Strictly must be a 32 characters long.


This assumes you activated the Python environment you just created.

Running the bot.

python main.py -r bot

Running a worker

python main.py -r worker -q single dual chat

main.py arguments:

  • -r: specifies if you want to run the bot or the worker.

  • -q: specifies which queue(s) your worker to get its job from.

    Possible -q values: single - A queue for render command. dual - A queue for renderzipcommand. chat - A queue for chat command.


Extract the following files from the client using the World of Warships Unpack Tool enter image description here

The extracted files will be in World_of_Warships/res_unpack folder.

Move the following files: World_of_Warships/res_unpack/content/GameParams.data and World_of_Warships/res_unpack/gui/achievements to generation/resources.

Updating the renderer

  1. Run the scripts with generated_ at their filenames from generation folder. This will create the update files.
  2. Copy the renderer version module and paste it into a newest version. cp -r renderer/versions/0_10_10/ renderer/versions/0_10_11.
  3. Paste the contents of generation/generated to renderer/versions/0_10_11/resources folder.

Updating the unpacker

Most of the time this works just fine unless Wargaming change something at the replay file. If they did change something, and the unpacker fails, wait for the updated version from https://github.com/Monstrofil/replays_unpack.

This bot uses a modified version of the Monstrofil's replays_unpack so copy-pasting Monstrofil's to this replays_unpack will not work.

Files that probably get updated if WG changed or added something:

  • replay_unpack/core/entity_def
  • replay_unpack/core/network
  • clients/wows/versions/*/constants.py

Adding a new version to the modified unpacker:

  1. Copy the last version clients/wows/versions/0_10_10 and paste it to clients/wows/versions/0_10_11 using the command cp -r clients/wows/versions/0_10_10/ clients/wows/versions/0_10_11.
  2. Copy the World_of_Warships/res_unpack/scripts/ and paste it to clients/wows/versions/0_10_11 and overwrite everything.


  • render renders the replay file.
  • render logs same as render but with counters, ribbons, achievements and death log.
  • doom and benny subcommands. For doom, the starting music will be a elevator meme music and if the player gets a kill The Only Thing They Fear Is You from Doom will play.
  • chat extracts the chat messages from the replay file.
  • enablechat and disablechat enables/disables chat extraction from the server it was invoked from. Can only be used by users with Manage channel permission.
  • whitelist and unwhitelist Argument: Discord server id. Adds/Removes the Discord server id to the bot's whitelist. If the bot joins to a server which is not in the whitelist, the bot will leave that server immediately.
  • settings get and settings set Arguments: setting name, setting value. Gets and sets the settings. Valid settings fps and quality.
  • guild chat Gets the guild(s) that can extract the chat messages.
  • guild list Gets the list of guilds where the bot currently resides in.
  • guild leave Argument: Discord server id. Makes the bot leave the specified server.
  • guild ban Argument: Discord server id. Makes the bot leave the specified server and adds it to the blacklist.
  • guild unban Argument: Discord server id. Removes the id from the blacklist.
  • backup Backups the extract channels, whitelist, banned guilds and .env file.
  • restore Restores the file generated from the backup command.


This will probably the dirtiest program you will see, not tests, no straightforward way of updating it, but it works. Please don't contribute, just fork it and develop it as your own. Continually developing it wouldn't be possible for me since I'm gonna be busy for a long time (work).