
Collaborative repository for tracking advance on a personnal implementation of SExtractor+PSFEx for ZTF data

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Collaborative repository for tracking advance on a personnal implementation of SExtractor+PSFEx for ZTF data

Required files

The .fits files are to be stored locally in the Data folder. We are currently working with the following files:

  • mskimg
  • psfcat
  • sciimg
  • sciimgdaopsfcent

that can be taken from here

The sciunc.fits file has to be created from the sciimg one. One can do so with the following:

from astropy.io import fits
from ztfimg import image

root = '../Data/'
sciimg = root + 'ztf_20190124095417_000403_zr_c01_o_q1_sciimg.fits'

hdul = fits.open(sciimg)
header = hdul[0].header

z = image.ScienceImage(sciimg, mask)

file_out = sciimg[:-11] + 'sciunc.fits'
sciunc_out = fits.HDUList(fits.PrimaryHDU(data=z.sourcebackground.rms(),
sciunc_out.writeto(file_out, overwrite=True)

as can be found in the psf_comp notebook.

Running SExtractor

We use the following command to obtain the test.cat output of SExtractor, which will be inside BlackGEM_default as defined in the first line:

sex ztf_20190124095417_000403_zr_c01_o_q1_sciimg.fits -c config_ZOGY/BlackGEM_default/sex.config -SATUR_LEVEL 50000 -SEEING_FWHM 2.58933692741394 -PIXEL_SCALE 1.012 -MAG_ZEROPOINT 0 -WEIGHT_IMAGE ztf_20190124095417_000403_zr_c01_o_q1_sciunc.fits,ztf_20190124095417_000403_zr_c01_o_q1_sciunc.fits -FLAG_IMAGE ztf_20190124095417_000403_zr_c01_o_q1_mskimg.fits -CATALOG_TYPE FITS_LDAC -CHECKIMAGE_TYPE OBJECTS -CHECKIMAGE_NAME ztf_20190124095417_000403_zr_c01_o_q1_sexcat_ldac.fits -VERBOSE_TYPE NORMAL

If you wish to use another configuration file, simply change BlackGEM_default to another folder in config_ZOGY. If you wish to change where the output goes, change the sex.config and psfex.config files of the subdirectory you chose accordingly.

Running PSFex

We use the following command to obtain the test.psf and psfex_out.cat outputs of PSFEx, which will be inside BlackGEM_default as defined in psfex.config:

psfex config_ZOGY/BlackGEM_default/test.cat -c config_ZOGY/BlackGEM_default/psfex.config

Doing photomotry

See psfex-ztflc_fit notebook.