
NewRelic - Flux Webhook (Deployment tracking from the notification, error)

Primary LanguageC#

.NET badge


The goal of this project is to manage the release done by Flux in the Cluster by receiving WebHook post from the notification controller.

Why is the project in C# or even Dotnet and not in GO? Just because... it could even be in F# if I wanted to. I just went with something quick to build. Probably in the future I will look forward to change the language and even the structure of the project.

Data sent

  • New deployment
  • TBD: Logs Info and error in general?


  • >= 0.9.0, 0.9.1 <=


This project is not yet mature enough to use. So please wait... ;)

Available Hooks

Those marked with an X are implementd. Those in progress will be also marked with ⌛.

  • Bucket
  • ⌛ GitRepository
  • Kustomization
  • HelmRelease
  • HelmChart
  • HelmRepository
  • ImagePolicy
  • ImageRepository
  • ImageUpdateAutomation



NewRelic: How to get your application list (id)

# Basic request, you could also add a JQ to simply extract what you really need.
curl --location \
    --request GET 'https://api.newrelic.com/v2/applications.json' \
    --header 'X-Api-Key: [SOME-API-KEY]' \
    | jq '.applications[] | {name: .name, id: .id}'

Implementation choices (for you)

Item with ⌛ are still in progress.

  • Expected Store
    • ⌛ InMemory: Lifetime of the pod (if there's one it's nice, two, might do something weird, but still works). It will be using the appsettings.json as main configuration. If it's a ConfigMap overriding it, it will automagically set the expected settings within your application.
    • Redis: Lifetime of redis. It will use 24h for the keys by default, so if you need to change a key, it's your bad.
    • Postgres: Manage your API Keys from there (no application API's for that)

How to call our Hook

API Keys are defined in the appsettings.json. In Kubernetes, you can override the entire file using a ConfigMap. The AzureVault is not defined yet, but it could also be an option. The usage would require extra libraries to the project. Since I want to keep it simple for now, I might think about adding this feature later.

Choice #1: Use the api_key as part of the query string.

curl --location --request POST 'https://localhost:5001/hook?type=ImagePolicy&api_key=8f1e9594-55cc-44dc-b76a-e084cdd57d83' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data-raw '{"some":"thing"}'

Choice #2: Use the X-Api-key as part of the header.

curl --location --request POST 'https://localhost:5001/hook?type=ImagePolicy' \
    --header 'X-Api-key: 8f1e9594-55cc-44dc-b76a-e084cdd57d83' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data-raw '{"some":"thing"}'

How to contribute?

Contact me or simply do a PR, it will be welcome.
