
F# Elmish React way of building an APP (Demo and playground)

Primary LanguageF#

SAFE Calendar

Using the SAFE Stack, I wanted to build something a bit different from the sample available on the website to experiment and learn a bit. The quality of the code is not something I am looking for, but more experimenting the technology and how it all interacts together

Install pre-requisites

You'll need to install the following pre-requisites in order to build SAFE applications

  • The .NET Core SDK
  • The Yarn package manager (you can also use npm but the usage of yarn is encouraged).
  • Node LTS installed for the front end components.
  • If you're running on OSX or Linux, you'll also need to install Mono.

Work with the application

Before you run the project for the first time only you should install its local tools with this command:

dotnet tool restore

To concurrently run the server and the client components in watch mode use the following command:

dotnet fake build -t run

How it works

The calendar have the following features


  • Add events
  • Edit events
  • Move accross months

Server: (All in TODO)

  • API's (OData or simple RESTful?)
    • Add/Update events (Not existing)
    • Get events for a particular set of dates
  • Database
    • Not existing so far... could be stored in text file or csv for now... even ICAL format... why not