
Java demo with multi module and dynamic plugins [INCOMPLETE... demo purposes]

Primary LanguageJava

Create multi project

Starter for Spring 5 + Api + Dynamic plugin (demo project)

Following the guide from: http://websystique.com/maven/creating-maven-multi-module-project-with-eclipse/?fbclid=IwAR2CIXUHUeVESvqkNSURb7rLufA3HNJw0TEVspVEIcjJ8S985U2BUoxXono

And then the following resource: https://howtodoinjava.com/maven/maven-parent-child-pom-example/

Create the multi-project

> mvn archetype:generate "-DgroupId=com.honosoft.demo.multimodule" "-DartifactId=demo-multimodule"
> cd demo-multimodule

From there, you can delete the src folder. It won't be of any uses for us.

Edit the pom file and set the packaging to pom


Create an API project (Data contract)

> mvn archetype:generate "-DgroupId=com.honosoft.demo.multimodule"  "-DartifactId=demo-multimodule-plugin-api"

Don't forget to edit the pom file and be sure it's a JAR packaging. And also that the parent is marked as a relative path (pom)


Create one plugin

> mvn archetype:generate "-DgroupId=com.honosoft.demo.multimodule"  "-DartifactId=demo-multimodule-plugin-twitter"

Create the MVC app

If not there you will have issue so please edit your settings.xml (maven folder)



After you can run this

> mvn archetype:generate `
        "-DarchetypeGroupId=pl.codeleak" `
        "-DarchetypeArtifactId=spring-mvc-quickstart" `
        "-DarchetypeVersion=5.0.0" `
        "-DgroupId=com.honosoft.demo.multimodule" `
        "-DartifactId=demo-multimodule-rest" `
        "-DarchetypeRepository=http://kolorobot.github.io/spring-mvc-quickstart-archetype" `

To compile

> mvn clean install

To package

> mvn package (From the project itself)

To run tomcat

> mvn -pl demo-multimodule-rest tomcat7:run

Access your website at: http://localhost:8080


Nordès Ménard-Lamarre
