Starter for Spring 5 + Api + Dynamic plugin (demo project)
Following the guide from:
And then the following resource:
> mvn archetype:generate "-DgroupId=com.honosoft.demo.multimodule" "-DartifactId=demo-multimodule"
> cd demo-multimodule
From there, you can delete the src
folder. It won't be of any uses for us.
Edit the pom file and set the packaging to pom
> mvn archetype:generate "-DgroupId=com.honosoft.demo.multimodule" "-DartifactId=demo-multimodule-plugin-api"
Don't forget to edit the pom
file and be sure it's a JAR packaging. And also that the parent is marked as a relative path (pom)
> mvn archetype:generate "-DgroupId=com.honosoft.demo.multimodule" "-DartifactId=demo-multimodule-plugin-twitter"
If not there you will have issue so please edit your settings.xml (maven folder)
After you can run this
> mvn archetype:generate `
"-DarchetypeGroupId=pl.codeleak" `
"-DarchetypeArtifactId=spring-mvc-quickstart" `
"-DarchetypeVersion=5.0.0" `
"-DgroupId=com.honosoft.demo.multimodule" `
"-DartifactId=demo-multimodule-rest" `
"-DarchetypeRepository=" `
> mvn clean install
> mvn package
(From the project itself)
> mvn -pl demo-multimodule-rest tomcat7:run
Access your website at: http://localhost:8080
Nordès Ménard-Lamarre