
Concurrent BLE and micro-ESB wireless UART example

Primary LanguageC

nrf52 BLE - ESB Timeslot

Concurrent BLE and ESB wireless UART example

Example code from https://devzone.nordicsemi.com/blogs/733/running-micro-esb-concurrently-with-ble/ that illustrates how a wireless UART application can be run concurrently over ESB and BLE.


  • nRF5 SDK version 17.0.2,
  • S132 SoftDevice 7.2.0
  • 2 x nRF52-DK

Tested with compilers: Segger Embedded Studio. Tested with nRF52-DK.

How to compile the code

Copy/link the examples\ble_peripheral\ble_app_uart.ESB folder into the ble_peripheral example folder of your local SDK.