A library that makes working with Bluetooth LE on Android a pleasure. Seriously.
Pinned issues
- 1
waitForNotification with multiple notifications
#603 opened by ThijnSmulders - 1
Which library `Android-BLE-Library` or `Kotlin-BLE-Library` to choose for production project starting today
#602 opened by BhavyaRattan - 1
Using this library with Companion Device
#601 opened by jonbhanson - 7
Can't receive data via BLE on Android 14
#600 opened by siroaleksi - 0
- 1
- 23
No response from writeCharacteristic
#552 opened by Lightwood13 - 8
- 1
Is there any adaptation for Android 14?
#533 opened by ZouZLong - 2
What would cause GATT services to be invalidated on previously bonded peripherals?
#534 opened by david-gettins - 3
- 4
Issue with disconnect question
#569 opened by smileklvens - 3
Ask a question, thank you
#546 opened by FZ985 - 0
NullpointerException in onConnectionUpdated
#583 opened by Pezcraft - 0
A wrong size comparison in PacketMerger
#584 opened by haogev6 - 1
A little optimization in HeaderBasedPacketMerger
#585 opened by haogev6 - 5
Oppo not show Bonding message
#570 opened by LeugimDev - 0
- 3
Issue with auto connect
#566 opened by talfsaverone - 1
Scan Result Question
#572 opened by KevinMartinezC - 1
Need help with configuration
#568 opened by ahmadshoh-orc - 1
OTA upgrade problem
#559 opened by 18254819000 - 1
- 0
Scanner issue
#563 opened by KevinMartinezC - 0
BLE Scanner stop working
#562 opened by KevinMartinezC - 6
Cannot connect the BLE device
#560 opened by minhkimlong - 4
A couple of questions, possibly bugs
#561 opened by izivkov - 23
I stoped receiving notifications even when i have still not get all data
#554 opened by KevinMartinezC - 3
Connection interval changes on its own
#558 opened by arthurianno - 4
Sometimes causing system Bluetooth to crash.
#556 opened by Fly-Felix - 1
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Want to get the characteristic on which the data was received for the characteristics I have subscribed to get notified for
#547 opened by xaviergspintly - 2
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NullPointerException android.bluetooth.BluetoothGattServer.cancelConnection(android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice)' on a null object reference
#539 opened by thibaud-denche - 8
- 1
How to Catch Exception with RequestFailedException
#542 opened by jianhaozh - 1
- 1
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- 0
- 1
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Send data over 10k charcter
#513 opened by Jatindersyall12 - 8
Connection retries block on the main thread
#514 opened by krioru - 2
- 2
Android is moving bluetooth scan client to opportunistic more than it should
#512 opened by rickymohk - 2
- 1
Server closes all connections with error 0x101
#511 opened by DmytroBatyuk